Die Liste der „bekannten“ Probleme sind in beiden Blackberry Dokumentationen ( BB Enterprise und BB Enterprise Express) identisch:
When a meeting invitee receives an invitation to a recurring meeting and sends a Confirmation message with the comments, the BlackBerry® device of the meeting invitee receives the message, but not the device does not display the comments. (DT 761056)
When a meeting invitee receives an invitation to a recurring meeting and sends a Request for Information message with the comments, the BlackBerry device of the meeting invitee receives the message, but not the device does not display the comments. (DT 761046)
In certain circumstances (for example, when IBM® Lotus Notes® users turn on the ghosting or auto-cancel options), when a meeting invitee receives a recurring meeting request and accepts the meeting request, duplicate reference IDs might appear in the user’s BlackBerry state database. (DT 695344)
If a meeting invitee deletes a meeting series and then is reinvited to the meeting series, the meeting invitee cannot accept or decline the invitation on a device or using Lotus Notes. (DT 685185)
Users can set the follow-up flag for meeting invitations on devices, even though this is not permitted by Lotus Notes. Once the follow-up flag is set, users cannot remove it using Lotus Notes. (DT 678612)
If a meeting invitee accepts a meeting series, sends a counter proposal for one of the occurrences of the meeting series from Lotus Notes, and the meeting organizer accepts the counter proposal, the meeting invitee receives the rescheduled meeting request as an email message and cannot accept or decline the rescheduled meeting request. (DT 661014)
If users include an alarm time in calendar entries, the alarm time is changed from minutes to hours on devices. For example, if the reminder time is set to 30 minutes in Lotus Notes, the device changes the reminder time to 30 hours. (DT 639501)
Workaround: Consider one of the following actions:
* Change the reminder time on the device.
* Remove $AlarmTime from the calendar property when adding a calendar entry using a button and use Lotus Notes default settings.
Draft calendar entries that do not include any invitees are synchronized to the device when the BlackBerry® Enterprise Server Express Express performs a full synchronization process. (DT 607316)
If a user updates an instance of a recurring meeting on the device, and indicates that attendees should not receive an update, the attendees are still updated. (DT 579997)
When a user declines a rescheduled meeting request for a meeting that occurred in the past (for example, the user tries, on January 15th, to decline a rescheduled meeting request that was sent to them on January 4th), the BlackBerry Messaging Agent stops responding. (DT 534450)
If a meeting organizer sets up a recurring meeting and then updates two different instances of the meeting, the recipient can accept the first update from a BlackBerry device, but not the second update. The BlackBerry device displays „The meeting may have been updated or deleted since this mesage was sent“ error message. (DT 491553)
Workaround: Use Lotus Notes instead to accept the updated meeting invitation.
When a meeting organizer reschedules a meeting using Lotus Notes, the BlackBerry device removes the last acceptance message that it receives. (DT 482802)
If a user configures conference call information in Lotus Notes and creates a meeting invitation that includes a room and specifies the „Include conference call information in the Location“ option, the device does not display the room information. (DT 472866)
Workaround: Do not configure the conference call information to auto-populate.
If you delegate recurring meeting requests, the meeting requests do not show up correctly on the BlackBerry device. (DT 432970)
Workaround: Resynchronize the BlackBerry device calendar.
In certain circumstances, changes made to the notification message for a recurring meeting using the BlackBerry device are not synchronized with the calendar in Lotus Notes. (DT 400600, SDR 257729)
When the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Express Express processes, for a large number of users, a calendar entry that includes a large number of attachments, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Express Express might stop responding. (DT 382640)
When users use an IBM® Lotus® Domino® version 8.0 mail template, BlackBerry devices do not synchronize cancelled calendar entries. (DT 238185)
If a user declines a meeting invitation from the BlackBerry device, the user cannot use the option to be kept informed of changes to the invitation, as the user can from Lotus Notes. (DT 225443)
In certain circumstances, the BESExtentionAPI fails to open an attachment that is sent from a user’s BlackBerry device. (SDR 264758)
In certain circumstances, if a meeting is accepted using a BlackBerry device, the meeting status for all participants is not updated in the calendar. For example, the meeting organizer might appear as having accepted the meeting on a participant’s BlackBerry device, but might appear as invited on another participant’s BlackBerry device. (SDR 257304)
Download PDF Release Note (bekannte Probleme Kalendersynchronisation Domino) – Blackberry Enterprise Serer 5.0 SP2
Download PDF Release Note (bekannte Probleme Kalendersynchronisation Domino) – Blackberry Enterprise Server Express 5.0 SP2
Quelle: BlackBerry